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BREAKING: Joe Biden Sworn In As US President

Breaking News

BREAKING: Joe Biden Sworn In As US President

Joseph R. Biden Jr has been sworn in as the 46th president of the United States.

Thelagostimes reports that Biden was sworn in on Wednesday by Chief Justice John Roberts on the Capitol’s West Front, with a vista of iconic national monuments stretching across the National Mall.

Vice President Kamala Harris also took the oath of office that recognized her the first woman, first Black American and first South Asian American to hold the office.

Outgoing US president, Donald Trump reportedly broke tradition and became the first outgoing president since 1869 to skip his successor’s inauguration ceremony.

His number two, Mike Pence along with former presidents Barack Obama, George W Bush and Bill Clinton – and their wives were present at the ceremony.

Ayomide Ayano

A writer, communicator, Graduate of the Nigerian Institute of Journalism and a Christian.

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