About Us

The Lagos Times (TLT) is the home of exclusive news, providing the readers with up-to-date features, political news, celebrities interviews, entertainment, opinions and reviews. We bring you the stories that you need to know about the society, business, sports, health and lifestyle.

Rising from ‘The State of Aquatic Splendour’ (Lagos) is a group of dedicated and vibrant minds with a mandate to create a go-to place for smart, intelligent and real-time contents from across Nigeria. We feature stories that will inform, educate and entertain you across a number of subject domains. We aim to bring “you should know” worthy stories from the society and polity straight to you…


Our Mission

To produce, curate and disseminate quality, timely and true contents that stretch the knowledge and intelligence of our visitors, and at the same satisfy their curiosity with balanced, fair and objective news stories and analyses.


Value Proposition

* There exists a distinct opportunity for advertisers and their agencies whose main goal is to reach out to specific audiences

* It is within the purview of the aforementioned that The Lagos Times has set out to respond to that opportunity by providing professionally packaged contents, strategic content distribution and information dissemination to visitors, which in turn assist the advertisers to reach the very discerning audience that the Nigerian online visitors are known to be.


Our Vision

To be the most readily available platform for information seekers and Nigeria’s most veritable meeting place for advertisers and their publics.