Another COVID-19 Death Recorded In Lagos — A 63-Year-Old Man


The Lagos state government says another patient, 63 year old man with no travel history, has died from the complications of COVID-19.


This comes a day after the sixth death was recorded in the state.


Akin Abayomi, the state commissioner of health, who disclosed this on Twitter, said the dead man had no travel history or contact with any confirmed case.


Lagos had its highest number of daily infections on Monday. 25 new cases were recorded bringing the total number of cases in the state to 217.


“COVID-19 Lagos Update as at April 14, 2020, 25 new COVID-19 cases confirmed, bringing total confirmed cases in Lagos to 217,” he tweeted.


“Eight more persons; two females and six males; including one foreign national from Croatia were discharged. Total discharged now 69.


“Lagos recorded another COVID-19 death; a 63-year-old male Nigerian who had no history of travel or contact with any confirmed case. Total related deaths now stand at 7.”