Gov Ajimobi’s Daughter Abisola Kola-Daisi’s Luxury Lifestyle

If every fashionista had a magic Mirror on the Wall and asked who the most fashionable woman around was, the mirror would respond immediately with “Abisola Kola-Daisi”. When it comes to the fashion and style sweepstakes, everyone just has to give it up for the chic daughter of Oyo governor Senator Abiola Ajimobi. She is nobody’s mate when it comes to fashion, as her well-stocked wardrobe will attest. The contents therein are of such exquisiteness that would make top designers either greedy from lust or green from envy.
If the business of looking good was a prison, Abisola would be a convict serving a sentence of life imprisonment. She goes the extra mile to grab the very best of designer dresses, shoes and jewellery available, sometimes even before they officially hit the shelves. She is a connoisseur of the best of the best offerings by A-list designers.
Unknown to many who believe that Abisola, as a governor’s daughter, is living off the state’s treasury, the woman who already has two kids, is a wealthy entrepreneur in her own right. Apart from being born to one moneybag and married to another, she is the highly successful CEO of Florence H, a Christian Loubotin shoe shop on the island. She has a lot of money and makes sure it talks for her big time. She is always travelling the world’s capitals in pursuit of the latest fashion trends.
Few days back, ‘Bisola was spotted at the Arise Fashion Week. Dressed to stun in an outfit that temporarily robbed whoever saw it of coherence, her presence electrified the audience into a frenzy of excitement. The woman who previously made a name, and a lot of money, for herself in Oil & gas and haulage had zero qualms about publicly flaunting the luxury which she can afford as a result of her honest endeavours