Nasarawa Passes Bill Seeking Death Penalty For Kidnappers Into Law


In a commendable move to check the nefarious act of kidnapping and similar crimes,Nasarawa State Governor Abdullahi Sule on Wednesday assented to the Bill which prescribed death penalty for anyone found indulging in kidnapping in the state.

Sule signed into law the “Nasarawa State kidnapping Act Prohibition Law 2020” and “Child-Protection Executive Order” Bill.

“I need to state that the Nasarawa State Kidnapping Act Prohibition Law was extensively deliberated and passed by the State House of Assembly.

“This law spelt out various offences relating to kidnapping and prescribed stringent punishment for perpetrators, such as life imprisonment and death penalty,” the governor said.

Governor Sule added that the law stipulates forfeiture of any property used by kidnappers to the state while the owners of such property would be liable to 20 years jail term.

He listed various penalties ranging from death to imprisonment for those involved in Kidnapping, conspiracy to kidnap, attempt to kidnap, fake kidnap, false representation to release a kidnapped victim, and assisting in escape of kidnappers as various penalties.

The governor had also inaugurated a committee to reform the penal code in line with the modern realities.

Earlier, Abdulkarim Kana, Commissioner of Justice and Attorney General of Nasarawa State, expressed gratitude to the governor for signing the law and the inauguration of the committees.

The Commissioner added that the action would go long way toward tackling criminality in the state.

He said that the ministry would ensure that kidnappers face the full wrath of the law.

In an interview with newsmen, Mr Aliyu Abubakar, Director General, Legal Aid Council of Nigeria commended the Nasarawa State government for the bold steps to curtail kidnapping which has become a menace.

He also called on other governors to emulate the Nasarawa State Government toward ensuring that increasing insecurity in the country was tackle.
