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JUST IN: Abuja Residents Block National Assembly In Protest


JUST IN: Abuja Residents Block National Assembly In Protest

Some protesters from varying communities are currently at the main entrance of the National Assembly complex.

Premium Times reports that the protesters are demanding justice for reported extra judicial killings by the army in some communities in Abuja.

The protest reportedly left journalists and other staff of the national assembly stranded outside the complex as the main entrance has been blocked.

The FCT senator, Philip Aduda, had raised a point of order on the floor of the Senate demanding immediate investigation into the recent army invasion as well as killings by soldiers.

He said there have been reports of killings in Tunga Maji community in the federal capital, allegedly caused by soldiers.

Sunday Rabo, who spoke with PREMIUM TIMES, said the residents have on several occasions, called on relevant authorities to intervene to no avail.

According to him, all the residents do is “hustle” for their daily bread.

He said the soldiers, on different occasions, troop in with guns and start to shoot sporadically.

Mr Sabo also said last week, two residents were killed and just yesterday, a man, Haruna, was killed in their community.

Ayomide Ayano

A writer, communicator, Graduate of the Nigerian Institute of Journalism and a Christian.

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