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Man Dies While Celebrating Buhari’s Victory (Graphic Photo)


Man Dies While Celebrating Buhari’s Victory (Graphic Photo)

A young man has died while celebrating President Muhammadu Buhari’s re-election in Taraba state.


According to reports, the deceased fell from a motorcycle yesterday while jubilating with others along a highway in Jalingo, Taraba state. He reportedly died on the spot and his corpse was later removed from the road by officials.

Also yesterday, a young man died in Abuja while celebrating Buhari’s victory in the presidential election.

TheLagostimes recalls that Buhari got 15,191,847 votes to defeat his closest rival, Atiku Abubakar who had 11,262,978 votes in the presidential poll. 

Ayomide Ayano

A writer, communicator, Graduate of the Nigerian Institute of Journalism and a Christian.

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