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President Tinubu To Launch Students Loan Scheme On Thursday


President Tinubu To Launch Students Loan Scheme On Thursday

President Bola Tinubu will, on Thursday, launch the Student Loan Scheme.

Tinubu’s Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale, disclosed this on Sunday while appearing on TVC’s programme ‘Counting the Cost of Presidents Tinubu’s Reforms.’

According to Ngelale, “Later this week, on Thursday, the President will launch the historic National Student Loan Programme.

“This is a major form of obligation reduction for Nigerians and families and young people at a time when Nigerians are feeling the pinch. We believe this is the way to go.”

Thelagostimes recalls that the president, on June 12, 2023, signed the Access to Higher Education Act, 2023, into law.

The bill is aimed at enabling students to access interest-free loans for educational purposes. After receiving the loans as students, individuals would be expected to pay back two years after observing the mandatory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) programme.

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