Female Football Players Should Be Encouraged – Jadesola Adelabu Advocates


Jadesola Adelabu, founder of ‘Sapphire Nigeria Women Football Supporters Club’, the only female football supporters’ club in Nigeria has advocated for more support and encouragement for female footballers.

Speaking in an interview with Thelagostimes, Jadesola revealed that the societal relegation of females to the background should be discouraged.

According to her, there is a generalized notion that a football supporters’ club should only be for male footballers. She noted however that this is not true.

“This is not helping us. We hope that with perseverance and dedication, we will gain natural and global acceptance. There is a saying that what a man can do, a woman can do better. We as female supporters’ club are here to complement our male counterpart”, she reiterated.

Speaking further, she stated that her decision to start a female supporters’ club was influenced by a passion for the girl child.

“I settled for a female supporters’ club to specifically channel my God – given talent to support female football and to empower and encourage the girl child in Nigeria and in Africa as a whole. I grew up watching players like Perpetual Nkwocha, Stella Mbachu and admired them a lot.

“I felt if I can’t play on the pitch, I can give my utmost support by cheering them up while playing. We go to stadium to cheer our girls to victory”, she said.

She however noted that the club has lacked enough support and encouragement from Nigerians so far.

“We solicit support to achieve our dreams. My ultimate ambition is to use this platform to positively affect the life of the girl child in Nigeria and in Africa as a whole”, she added.