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Gunmen Attack Jibia In Katsina, Kill DPO, Soldier

Breaking News

Gunmen Attack Jibia In Katsina, Kill DPO, Soldier

Gunmen suspected to be bandits have killed a Divisional Police Officer (DPO) during an attack on Jibia town in Jibia Local Government Area of Katsina State, Channelstv reports.

The slain security operative, Abdulkarim Rano, was until his death the officer in charge of the Divisional Police Headquarters in Jibia.

Although the casualty on the part of the gunmen could not be ascertained, residents disclosed that a soldier was also killed and another injured.

Channels further reports that Police and military authorities in the state are yet to confirm the incident.

The injured military operative, who was reportedly shot in the leg, was simply identified as Colonel Masoyi and the commander of the Nigerian Army in the area.

According to residents of Jibia, the gunmen attacked the town on Tuesday night, firing gunshots sporadically to cause panic among the people.

A source said the bandits were in the village to kidnap the family of a businessman in Magama Jibia, a town close to Jibia.

Thelagostimes reports that the state has witnessed frequent bandits’ attacks since the beginning of this year.

Ayomide Ayano

A writer, communicator, Graduate of the Nigerian Institute of Journalism and a Christian.

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