Lagos Train Tickets To Cost N200 – N300 Per Trip – Governor Sanwo-Olu


Ahead of the completion of the red line rail project of the government, Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has assured residents of affordable and accessible train rides.

While speaking during an interview on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily on Friday, the governor noted this this initiative is part of his administration’s efforts to tackle the gridlock on roads across the state.

“We believe that the cost will come down significantly for the citizens (residents),” said the governor. It is not going to be in thousands, … certainly, it is nothing close to that. So, you will still be in your regular N200, N300 per journey and that is what we are looking at.”

“I do not think that they will be breaking their banks. I assure you it will be very affordable and accessible … the fare structure will be (determined by) where you are joining and hopping off, but typically it will not be more than what you are running on your regular BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) lines today.

“For it to be accessible, affordability is really critical for people to want to make it a better option. Yes, you can say now it is quicker, instead of you staying one hour on the road, it is going to take you 20 minutes, 25 minutes,” the governor said

He also revealed that the sum of N150 billion would be required to fund the entire rail network planned for the state.