Many Burnt To Death As Tanker Explodes In Ondo

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A pregnant woman, three children and many others were reportedly roasted to death after a tanker exploded at Ore, in Odigbo council area of Ondo state on Sunday.

Thelagostimes gathered that the victims were scooping fuel from a petrol tanker that fell and spilled its content along the Benin–Ore-Sagamu Expressway on Sunday.

According to an eyewitness, the fire was ignited by a spark from a phone held by one of the persons who were scooping fuel.

The eyewitness stated that the victims of the disaster included three children and a pregnant woman who brought a sum of N100,000 to the scene to buy fuel.

According to the eyewitness, “We were inside the church when we heard that tanker fell.

” The rain was also falling. People were taking fuel when fire started after a spark from a phone.

“Three children died and we have counted over 15 bodies. A pregnant woman that wanted to buy the fuel also died. The money is still with her.”